Proven Scanning Technology
Our suite of compliance solutions use the same engine that we have evolved since the mid-nineties in a variety of payment environments. These features are common to all of our in-house and online solutions.
  • Interactive Scanning


    Type or paste text directly into the scan form for interactive scanning.

  • Batch Scanning


    Upload a file of records to scan as a batch. Files can be uploaded as text, Word and Excel.

  • Multiple Lists


    Select the set of sanctions lists you want to use.

  • Record-oriented Scanning


    Select from a variety of common record formats to produce results on a transaction-oriented basis. Or let the Scanner identify the transaction formats.

  • Customized Scanning


    Reduce false-positives using the Custom list feature to identify text you commonly encounter in your data that you want to exclude from scanning.

  • Comprehensive Reporting


    View, print or email any of the summary, detail or session-oriented reports presenting the results of scanning.

  • Review and Approve


    Review scan results on a transaction by transaction basis to approve or fail blocked items. Results of the review can be reported and downloaded.

  • Downloadable Result Files


    Download reviewed transactions as separate files of clean/approved and pending or failed transaction sets.

  • ACH File Processing


    Upload a NACHA- formatted file for ACH- sensitive scanning. Review and download separate files of clean/approved and pending or failed transaction sets.

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