- This site is the host to our web-based OFAC compliance solution
- Uses the same scanning engine as our in-house scanners
- Multiple payment methods for this product. Pay as you go via credit card or complete a purchase order
- Multiple user capability. After logging in, the account holder has the option to add additional users at no extra cost. Each additional user will have a unique user ID and password.
- Instant search results
- Extensive reporting and audit trail. Click here for a sample detail report in PDF form. Reports can be downloaded and/or delivered via encrypted email
- Help desk support
- Click here for screenshots of the SdnScanner platform
- A one week product demo is available to all new users
- Get started today by clicking here
Web Scanning Services:
- Integrate scanning functionality into your back office applications via web transactions over a secured connection
- Uses the same scanning engine and set of sanctions lists as our online solution
- Multiple user capability